What we do

Events and Partnerships

AWARE Investments is a longstanding supporter of sports.

We believe in the popularization of sports as an important inclusion tool, which has led us, over the years, to support events and tournaments, as well as the social actions developed by our partners.


Aware starts its activitie

1st edition of the Golf Tournament "Brazil vs. Rest of the World


2nd edition of the Golf Tournament "Brazil vs. Rest of the World


3rd edition of the Golf Tournament "Brazil vs. Rest of the World

 I Lago Azul Golf Tournament


4th edition of the Golf Tournament "Brazil vs. Rest of the World


5th edition of the Golf Tournament "Brazil vs. Rest of the World

XII Zumbi dos Palmares Cup

Graduation ceremony for the Leão Teixeira


Suspension of the annual events due to the coronavirus pandemic.


1st PGA-Brasil Championship TH50