Customer Services

Besides offering our expertise in Financial and Wealth Management Planning, Succession Planning Coordination and Investment support in financial markets in Brazil and abroad, we support taylor made solutions, according to the objectives of each client.

And to offer personalized service aligned with the financial objectives, projects and individual needs, AWARE INVESTMENTS relies on a technology team and consolidation platforms to ensure the confidentiality and security of all information it deals with.

We highlight among our services and functionalities, together with the high technical quality of our team:

Permanent monitoring of the investment portfolio, which allows us to:

  • Asset Allocation and portfolio optimization;
  • Preparation of material for proposals comparing current and suggested portfolios;
  • Consolidation and Quotation of Managed Portfolios and Exclusive Funds;
  • Calculation of administration fees and portfolio performance with daily appropriation.

Permanent monitoring of the launching of new exclusive Private Banking funds, manager by manager, which allows us:

  • From the allocator’s perspective: Which are the most/least allocated managers by product type;
  • From the manager’s perspective: Which allocators have an appetite for certain asset classes;
  • How the allocator/manager allocates resources among different asset classes;
  • Tools for monitoring fund and manager liabilities;
  • Qualitative data from fund managers/allocators.

Real estate investments and other lifestyle assets

Support to transfer capital in Brazil and abroad